Dwelling Places for Vyantara Dèvas.
The dwelling-places for Vyantara gods are located in the intervening space of eight hundred yojanas remaining after leaving off a space of two hundred yojanas-one hundred yojanas above and one hundred yojanas below-from one thousand yojanas of Ratna Prabha Earth left above.
They are arranged in the shape of numerous towns. Some of the dwelling-places in these towns are round on the external surface and square-shaped in the interior. On the low level, they resemble the pericarp of a lotus.
While diligently engaged in delightfully and happily enjoying the divine singing and dramatic performances of young celestial damsels accompanied by the constant playing of musical instruments and beating of drums, the Vyantara gods do not realize how easily thousands of years pass away in merriment.
Vāṇa-vyantara Celestial Beings.
Besides these, there is a species of Vyantara dèvas, known as Vaṇa-vyantara, which includes the under-mentioned varieties.
1. अणपनी Anapanni 2. पणपनी Panapanni 3. ऋषिवादी Risivadi
4. भूतवादी Bhūtavādf
Jain Education International
5. कंदित Kandita
6. महाकंदीत Mahākandita 7. कोहंडिक Kohandika 8. पतंग Patanga.
Dwelling Places for Vāņa-vyantara Dèvas.
The dwelling-places for Vana-vyantara gods are located in the intervening space of eighty yojanas remaining after leaving off a space of twenty yojanas-ten yojanas of Ratna Prabha Earth left above.
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