Another author describes the five undor-mentioned varieties of Mithyātva -
मिच्छोदयेण मिच्छत्तमसदहण तु तच अस्थाणे
एयन्तं विवरीयं विणयं संसयिहमण्णाणं ॥१॥ 1. Micchodayèņa micchattamasadılahaņam tu tacca atthāņain;
Eyantam Vivariya” Viņayam Samśayihamaņņām.
1. The delusion stage or Wrong Belief thought-activityMithyātva is caused by the operation of the Wrong Belief Mithyātva sub-class of the Right-belief-deluding-Karma. It consists m not having belief in things as they are. e. g. In the nine principles or Tattvas of Jainism, Wrong belief is of five kinds. 1 Eyantani Tiri Ekāntam T One-sued belief. 2 Vivariyam faqti, Viparstam farfa Perverse belief. 3 Vinayam ferari Veneration of false creeds. 4 Samsaya dart Doubtful belief, and 5 Ajñāna 3 -Indiscriminate belief.
1. Ekāuta (- One-sided Mithyātva is that form of Wrong Belief in which an individual firmly believes in the doctrine accepted by himself or inherited by birth as the best and nothing else worth following, although he is ignorant of the true nature of objects, and is not open to conviction by others.
Clear, reasoned argument is at the basis of Wrong Belief. Not only Right Belief is necessary, but it must be based on right reasoning. One of the most important characteristics of Jainism is its ratefilm Anekānta (wany points of view) All things can be looked at from «lifferent points of view. Different stand-points yield different results, which sometimes seem to contradict each other. The value and necessity of a many-suled doctrine are thus evident.
Buddhism believes that everything is transient. This is perfectly true so far as the ever-present modifications of substances are concerned, but these modifications must depend on
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