Emotions of anger and hatred bind you enormous amount of sins that you have comitted! Now, you must forget all your prejudices and re-unit yourself with the sangh!
Just imagine how iron-hearted that person might have been when he never even put his eyes on the temple from the last 11 years. Although he would brush his teeth every morning in the balcony of his house that was just at a distance of steps countable on the fingertips. And imagine how shrill would have been the expounding speech of Dharmasuri Maharaj that it successfully brought the desired change in that strongminded person and even more than that how great would have been his feeling to care about the bliss and spiritual progress of each and every member of the temple no matter whether he comprised more or less importance in the institution! He was a Sadhu which means friend of all and the true implementer of friendship always sweats to bring the mis-guided and neiscents on the right path of salvation.