Temples formed with the inspiration of Dharmasuri Maharaj
Shree Moonisuvrat Swami Deraaser
Darbbavati-Dabhoi Tirth
Maharaj was rejoiced and would always behave affectionately with him!
But there arrived a problematic situation for him one day. According to his daily routine, he sat for memorizing the gatha after sunrise, but don't know why there was something wrong that day...the gatha which required the effort of just 30 minutes for him daily wasn't fetching the result even after striving for more than 90 minutes! He thought he might have lost his concentration but he wasn't succeeding today as he would do regularly! It was over-time now and stomach had started raising its demand! What to do now? After following his gurudev's command regularly, how shameful it would seem to face him unsuccessfully, without memorizing even a single gatha? And even how could he assuage the hunger that was growing stronger with every passing minute? He was badly puzzled! Still the hunger emerged victorious and he was forced to approach his gurudev for obtaining the permission for having the breakfast before memorizing the gatha. He revealed his desire in front of Dharmavijayji Maharaj, with tremendous hesitation but promising that it might happen never for a single time in future. He was of the opinion that his obedience of so many days might become instrumental in bringing him out of this trouble, but no! Under his astonishment, the always calm gurudev of his, got annoyed hearing his request and strictly ordered, “Don't you feel shy presenting such demands infront of me? Go back again and resume your studies. Don't even dream that you are going to receive your meal until you memorize all the gathas for the day!" Sevanti was extremely shocked by this irregular behavior
of his gurudev with him. For the very first time ever, he had witnessed tones of anger and his gurudev upset! But he had a deep respect for him in his heart and hence, instead of binding any negative opinion for him, he started feeling bad, that he was unable to act according to the expectations of his mentor. Yes, that's the true characteristic of a perfect disciple! He never points out the mistakes of his elders, instead during every incident; he tries to find out his own faults and to eradicate those! He commenced studying again with a hope to succeed this time but no! His destiny didn't wish to make him does that! His concentration was breaking on continuously as the delicious food items of breakfast were taking the visits in his thought every now and then.
Meanwhile, it was 8.45 am in the clock and Dharmavijayji Maharaj got ready to depart for his discourse. He walked towards Pratapsuri Maharaj's room to acquire his blessing, as he did it regularly, but before reaching there, he went near the window of the room where Sevanti was studying. He peeped inside and a smile burst out on his face observing the dejected face of Sevanti! He visited his gurudev's room from there and told him something pointing out towards Sevanti. As soon as he left, Pratapsuri Maharaj asked Sevanti to arrive in his room and said, "Look Sevanti, your gurudev is not at all wrong in making you follow the rule strictly, as even I would do the same with him in his childhood days, but as you are my most