study for 10-14 hours a day! Within a very short span, he achieved excellence in Sanskrit and
Prakrit to such a march, that he could fluently chat for an hour in this 2 languages! He would concentrate on the new topics throughout the day and would revise the previously memorized verses and concepts at night! Looking upon his selfdetermined high exertions for the acquirement of knowledge, both the gurudev would love to dedicate their maximum time in providing him lectures related to the scientific, historical and geographical details of this world, preached in the scriptures.
He was a brilliant Sadhu and no doubt, his potential of memorizing and remembering a particular matter was surely superior than his rest co-mates, but along with that, he was due smart at delivering discourses, even at the 6th month of his diksha and 16 1/2 years of his life! On the 2nd day of Paryushana in his 1st Chaturmas itself, he delivered the sermon on Asthanhika Pravachan', the lectures specially formed to offer in the discourses in the initial 3 days of Paryushana, on the spot, he was commanded by his grand- gurudev to do so!
Along with a high intellect, his courtesy was also of a surpassing level! His gurudev were highly content towards his behavior and inherent attributes and they were glad that they have received
a master of future, who was surely expected to make an increment in the renown of his tradition and especially of our religion's glory and fame...