1.4.3 Samyaktva in Philosophical Texts
1. “Samyak-darshana-gynaana-chaaritraani-moksha-maargah."(1)
Enlightened perception, knowledge and conduct together constitute the path of liberation.
2. “Samanovaasaga dhammassa muulavatthu sammattam." (2)
Enlightened perception is the key factor in the spiritual journey of a layman.
The Jinaas have described enlightened perception as that accomplishment which helps a person see things exactly as they are; and which helps them realise their own soul.
3. "Prashasto moksho'virodho vaa prashamasamvegaadi lakshana aatmadharmah."(3)
The true nature of the soul has the following attributes:
1 Prashasta {praiseworthy 2 Moksha’avirodha (compatible with liberation 3 Prashamatva {tranquilness) 4 Samvega {desire for liberation 5 Aastikya {piety) 6 Karunaa {compassion
4. “Samyak jiivastadbhaavah samyaktvam.”(4)
Enlightened perception is becoming one with the true nature of the self.
5. "Sammadiddhi amohii sohii sabbhaavadansanam bohii.
Avivajjau suddiitthi evamaai niruttaaim.”(5)
Synonyms for samyaktva {enlightened perception}
‘Samyaktva' {enlightened perception is also described as:
1 Samyakdrishti {enlightened perception/true insight? 2 Amohii (free from delusion
Sohii {purity of insight/vision/perception}(suddhi) 4 Sabbhaavadansanam {correct comprehension of the Jina's doctrine
(suddha bhav darshan) 5 Bohii {enlightenment}(bodhi) 6 Avivajja correct understanding}(aviparita bodha) 7 Sudditthi {correct perception}(suddha dhristii)