1.4.2 Samyaktva in Digambar texts
1. "Saddrishti-gynaana-vrittaani dharmam dharmeshvaraa viduh. Yadiiya-prayatniikaani bhavanti bhavapaddhati."(1)
The Jinaas, who are masters of the faith, have said that enlightened perception, enlightened knowledge and enlightened conduct are the true embodiment of faith. Further, they have said that false perception, false knowledge and false conduct are the causes of transmigration.
2. "Tatraadau samyaktvam samupaashraya niiyaakhilayatnena.
Tasmit satyeva yato bhavati gynaanam charitram cha."(2)
One should focus single-mindedly on attaining enlightened perception because one's knowledge and conduct become enlightened only if one's perception is enlightened.
3. "Sammattarayana bhatthaa jaananta bahuvihaaim satthaaim. Aarahanaavirahiyaa bhamanti tattheva tattheva."(3)
One who is unenlightened is bound to remain stuck in the ocean of transmigration despite knowing many scriptures, since he lacks accomplishment.
4. "Nagarassa jaha duvaaram muhassachakkhuu tarussa jaha muulam. Taha jaana susamattam nana-charana-tavaanam."(4)
Just as an elegant gate is the glory of a city; eyes are the glory of a face and roots are the glory of a tree; enlightenment is the glory of knowledge, conduct, self-control and penance.
5. "Damsanamuulo dhammo uvahattho jinavarehim sissaanam."(5)
The Jinaas told their disciples that enlightenment is the root of religion.
6. "Kim bahunaa bhaniyenam je siddhaa naravaraa gaye kale. Sijjhihahi je vi bhaviyaa tam jaanai sammamaahappam."(6)
What more can be said? Just understand that all those great men who have attained liberation, and all those who shall attain liberation in future, have done so on the basis of their enlightenment.