One who has accomplished this gunasthaanaka attains liberation either in the same birth or maximum within three births.
Gati (birth: If the person dies while in this gunasthaanaka, he is reborn in one of the five anuttara vimaana heavens.
10. Suukshma Samparaaya Gunasthaanaka:
When there is only the most minor, negligible rise of sanjvalana lobha kashaaya (avarice of an extremely short duration) left in the soul, it is said to be in the suukshma samparaaya gunasthaanaka {gunasthaanaka where is minuscule quantum of passion left}.
Karma Prakriti {types of karmas}: With the exception of sanjvalana lobha {avarice of a very short duration), the remaining 27 types of mohaniiya karmas (delusion causing karmas) have either been annihilated or suppressed.
The soul, which has been annihilating mohaniiya karmas rises directly from the 10th gunasthaanaka to the 12th gunasthaanaka. The soul, which has been annihilating mohaniiya karmas is in the kshapaka shrenii {sequential rise through annihilation of karmas) and hence does not rise to the 11th gunasthaanaka which is reached only by souls rising through suppression of karmas.
The soul, which has been suppressing mohaniiya karmas is in the upashama shrenii (sequential rise through suppression of karmas) and hence rises only to the 11th gunasthaanaka and not beyond it. After remaining in the 11th gunasthaanaka, it falls and may reach directly to the 1st gunasthaanaka. Guna {attribute): It knows the nine substances (nine tattvas) through the points of view of dravya {susbtance), kshetra (place), kaala (time) and bhaava (disposition), through the shortest penance to the half-yearly penance. He has faith in them and practices them to its fullest capacity.
Phala (consequence): This gunasthaanaka may be accomplished at least once and at the most four times by the highly advanced monastic seeker. Over multiple lives, this gunasthaanaka may be accomplished a minimum of once and a maximum of nine times by the highly advanced monastic seeker.
One who has accomplished this gunasthaanaka attains liberation either in the same birth or maximum within three births.
Gati (birth}: If the person dies while in this gunasthaanaka, he is reborn in one of the five anuttara vimaana heavens (as per the Bhagavati Suutra, verse 25.7.3).