This has been explained by Pandit Ashadhara in the following verse:
"Vrikshaah kantakino'pi kalpataravo graavaa'pi chintaamanih punyaad gaurapi kaamadhenurathavaa tannaasti naabhuunna vaa. Bhaavyam bhavyamihaanginaam mrigayate yajjaatu tad bhrikutim samyakdarshanavedhaso yadi padacchaayaamupaarcchanti te. Simhah phairubhih stambho'gnirudakam bhiishmah phanii bhuulataa paathodhih sthalamanduko manisashchaurashcha daasa'unjasaa. Tasya syaad grahashaakiniigadaripupraayaah paraashchaapadas tasmaanaa'pi viyanti yasya vadate saddrishtidevii hyadi"
-Anagaara Dharmaamrita, Verse 2.66-67 (Page 162-163, Author: Pandit Ashadhara, Publisher: Bhartiya Gyaana Pith Prakashan, Delhi, year 1944)
If the soul were to seek the shelter of Brahma-like samyaktva, its punya shall cause:
A thorny Babuul tree to turn into the wish-fulfilling Kalpataru tree;
An ordinary stone to turn into the wish-fulfilling Chintamani gem; And an ordinary cow to turn into the wish-fulfilling Kaamadhenu cow. For the great soul endowed with samyaktva,
A terrifying lion shall slink away like a fox
A rutting elephant shall become as still as a pillar
A rampaging fire shall turn into water
A poisonous serpent shall turn into a garland of flowers
The sea shall turn into land
Chains of bondage shall turn into a necklace of pearls And a thief shall turn into a servant.
What more can be said about the goddess of samyaktva, Except that reciting the name samyaktva is enough
To quell evil planets, ghosts and goblins,
Illnesses, enemies and adverse circumstances.
It has been stated in the Ratnakarandaka shraavakaachaara that,
"Amaraasuranarapatibir yamadharapatibhishcha nuutapaadaambhojaah drishtya sunishchitaarthaa vrishachakradharaa bhavanti lokasharanyaah" ~Ratnakarandaka shraavakaachaara, Verse 1.39 (Page 80, Author: Aachaarya Samantabhadra Publisher: Muni Sangh Swaagat Samiti (Sagar), Madhya Pradesh, year 1986, 2nd edition)
Because of their samyaktva, they become the bearers of the dharma-chakra (the wheel of dharma} and shelter to all the living beings in the three worlds. Their lotus-like auspicious feet are praised by the kings of celestial beings, kings of infernal beings, and kings of mortals as well as the leaders of monks.