Method of accepting vyavahaara samyaktva {empirical samyaktva}
"Arihanto mahadevo, jaavajjiivam susaahuno guruno. Jina pannattam tattam, iya sammattam maye gahiyam.” ~ Gunsthaana Mokshnaa Sopaan (Page 74, Author: Dr. Ketaki Shah, Publisher: Dariyaapuri Jain Samiti, (Navrangpura) Ahmedabad, (Gujarat) year 2010)
As long as I live, I shall remain firm in my samyak {enlightened conviction that the Arihantas are the true God, the true monks are my preceptors and the teachings of the Jinaas are the highest reality.
Fruits of Samyaktva
Spiritual and temporal benefits concomitant with Samyaktva:
Spiritual Benefits
1. Rebirth-causing false belief is destroyed.
2. The period of transmigration of one who has attained samyaktva is limited.
3. One who has attained samyaktva may attain liberation withing the following periods of time: Quickest - within 48 minutes of attaining samyakta Longest - within ardhapudgala paraavartana kaal.
4. Continued increase in knowledge, perception and conduct.
Temporal Benefits
1. Humans and animals/birds who have retained their samyaktva at their time of death shall be reborn as a chariot-dwelling demigod in the heavens (vaimaniik deva).
2. Celestial beings and hellish beings who have retained their samyaktva at their time of death shall be reborn as humans.
At the time of attaining samyaktva, if the seeker has not yet bound his immediate next rebirth, than he shall remain unaffected by the following:
i) He shall not take birth in hell. ii) He will not be born as a plant, animal, bird or fish. iii) He shall not be born as a mansion-dwelling deva. (Bhavanpati deva) iv) He shall not be born as a deva who lives like a ghost (Vaanvyantar deva)