1.2.9 Who can Attain Samyaktva?
Following attributes are needed for attaining samyaktva:
1. Bhavya jiiva {souls capable of attaining liberation
2. Bhava sthiti ni Paripakvataa = One transmigration is limited (One's time is ripe to attain).
3. Any 5 sensed being from the four gatis who has six paryaaptis {adequacies
4. Anyone who has either of the good three leshyaas (shades of the soul determined by its spiritual level). The good three leshyaas are white, lotus pink and yellow. They indicate a higher stage of spiritual purity associated with mild passions and actions that minimise harm.
5. Saakaara Upayogavanta (mind always remain in stage of subh, positive thoughts)
6. Awakened (awakened spiritually)
7. Anyone whose disposition is purified through constant reflection on the anityaadi twelve and maitriiaadi four bhaavanaas {contemplations}.
8. Anyone whose passions are extremely mild
9. One who is immersed in the indicative factors of samyaktva i.e. shama, samvega, nirveda, anukampaa, aasthaa, etc.
Only a person with the above qualifications can attain samyaktva. Souls filled with hatred and vengefulness cannot accomplish liberation. One can only become a true seeker on the path of liberation when one's heart is free from any desire to harm anyone and desires the well being of all living beings. Flawless non-violent conduct can only come about when the soul has risen above all aversion, dislike and hatred is imbued with a feeling of friendship and fraternity for all. Hence, it is extremely important for the seeker to imbibe these qualities.
Importance of Samyaktva
There are four accomplishments, which lead to liberation. They are: 1. Samyak darshana {enlightened perception} 2. Samyak gynana {enlightened knowledge} 3. Samyak charitra {enlightened conduct 4. Samyak tapa {enlightened penance}