Kshaayika samyaktva can only be attained in presence of kshayopashama samyaktva. In absensce of ksayopashama samyaktva one cannot ascend on kshapaka shrenii (thus cannot attain kshaayika samyaktva).
As mentioned above, if the soul's next birth is not destined before attaining kshaayika samyaktva than it is liberated within the current life. One attains kshaayika samyaktva only in presence of kshapaka shrenii, but if the soul's next birth is already destined than after annihilating seven classes of darshana mohiniiya karmas {perception-obstructing karmas), it is not able to ascend the kshapaka shrenii, so this kind of kshapaka shrenii is known as “khanda kshapaka shrenii."
It is possible that after ascending on kshapaka shrenii one annihiliates anantaanubandhi krodha, maana, maayaa, lobha. But, as it has not yet annihiliated mithyaatva mohaniiya, the anantaanubandhi krodha, maana, maayaa, lobha reappears again. (The reason here is because this kind of annihilation is called “temporary annihilation"){This is stated on page 11, gunsthanaka swarupa, Sudharma Jain Samkit, byawar}.
The soul whose next birth is not destined, ascends on kshapaka shrenii, annihiliates all seven classes of darshana mohiniiya karmas {perception-obstructing karmas, attains kshaayika samyaktva, then annihiliates all chaaritra mohniiya karmas, and finally annihiliates the remaining three ghaati karmas and in the span of antamuhruta attains omniscience.
3. Kshayopashama Samyaktva {enlightened perception attained through part-annihilation and part-suppression of deluding karmas} Of the seven classes of darshana mohaniiya karmas {perception-obstructing karmas, some are in fruition (uday) and others are dormant (Upashama). When the ones, which are in fruition (uday) are annihilated and the ones which are dormant (Upashama) are suppressed, the disposition so attained is known as kshayopashama samyaktva.
Kshayopashama samyaktva from the doctrinal point of view (from the view point of siddhaanta):
From the doctrinal viewpoint, a living being who has kshayopashama can be reborn in any of the four classes of birth - hellish, sub-human, human and heavenly. When a person with kshayopashama samyaktva is born as a hellish being, he may take birth in any of the first six hells. When he is reborn as a human, he could either have a lifespan of numerable years or of innumerable years. When he is reborn as a sub-human, he could either have a lifespan of numerable years or of innumerable years, and when he is reborn as a heavenly being, he could be born in any of the four classes of heavenly beings.
When living beings bind their next birth while they have saatichaara kshayopashama samyaktva {kshayopashama samyaktva with minor transgressions, they are reborn as heavenly beings like bhavanapati, etc. But they are not reborn as vaimaanika celestial beings (higher level of heaven).