Letter 25
This process or activity of diverting one's attention from these Paryayas is at a later stage. Before that one has to get proper knowledge and belief regarding these five modifications of fundamental principles or Paryay Tattvas.
Since times immortal this Mithya Drishti Jeev has been entangled in Asrava and Bandha. He has to manifest Samyaktva i.e. Moksha Marga or Samvar and Nirjara. And by following this Moksha Marga he has to achieve Moksha i.e. salvation. It means that Samvar and Nirjara are Ekdesh Upadeya or worthy of partially manifesting. And Moksha is worthy of totally manifesting or Purna Upadeya पूर्ण प्रकट करने योग्य उपादेय.
Have you realised the difference? Jeev Tattva is called worthy of taking resort into or Ashraya Karane Yogya Upadeya and auid, whereas Moksha Tattva is called worthy of totally manifesting. It has been advised not to take resort into Moksha Tattva, but it is said that it is for our own goodness that we should manifest the modification of Moksha. One can never attain Moksha by just concentrating on the modification which is Moksha Tattva; but only by concentrating on Swa Tattva i.e. one's own self and by immersing into it, the modification of Moksha Tattva is manifested.
Why are Samvar and Nirjara called Ekdesh Upadeya or worthy of partially manifesting? Samvar and Nirjara mean Moksha Marga i.e. path to salvation. With reference to our example in the previous letter the right path towards our own home alone will take us to our home, but when we have to enter the home, we have to leave behind that road and take a step further into our home. Similarly Moksha modification can occur by extinction of the manifestation of Samvar and Nirjara.
There is one more point one should bear in mind and that is if one has not decided about his final goal, this Jeev will be contented by just achieving the path and will stop his progress in between. If one considers that manifesting only Samvar and Nirjara is the end in itself or one's goal of life and wants to be contented in it, then because his belief being fallacious he will not either have Samyak Darshan or if he has already manifested Samyak Darshan then he again becomes fallacious believer i.e. Mithya Drishti.
Samvar and Nirjara are the way to attain Moksha i.e. they are Moksha Marga. After negating or getting rid of Asrava and Bandha, Samvar and Nirjara are manifested. And once we consider Samvar and Nirjara to be worthy of manifesting, we realise that Asrava and Bandha are worth getting rid of i.e., worthy of renouncing i.e. Heya Tattva. Both Shubha and Ashubha Raag and the bondage which they create are all to