Tattvartha Sutra
Tattvartha Sutra
GHATI (Destructive) 1, Gyanavarniya 2, Darshanavarniya 3, Mohaniya 4, Antaraya
AGHATI (non-destructive)
5, Vedaniya 6, Ayu 7, Nama 8, Gotra
MITHYADARSHANA-AVIRATI-PRAMADKASHAY-YOGA BANDH HETAVH 8-1 = The causes of karma bondage are1, wrong faith (and understanding), 2, non-abstinence, 3, carelessness, 4, passion 5, and the activities of body, speech and mind (yoga)
Karma particles or karmic matter is attracted to the soul when one or all of these things happen. (1) Wrong faith (mithyatva). This is the opposite of the enlightened faith or samyak-darshan. (2) Non-abstinence is the failure to abstain from wrong deeds. (3) Carelessness or action without regard for others. (4) Four passions- anger, deceit, pride and greed. (5) Yoga- this is not the same word as is commonly understood. Yoga in this sense is the act provoking karma bondage. These acts are done by mind, speech or the body.
Ghati karmas obscure (or kill) the basic attributes of the soul. A pure soul has perfect knowledge, faith and the capacity to attain nirvana. However, the first four karmas, above, obscure these qualities. 1, Gyanavarniya karma obscures knowledge. 2, Darshanavarniya karma obscures vision and cognition. 3, Mohniya karma obstructs conduct and faith. 4, Antaraya karma prevents all sorts of good happenings. Aghati karmas are body-related and a person gets his physical comfort or dis-comfort, his life-span, name and family-line due to the effect of these karmas. 5, Vedaniya karma produces feelings and emotions. 6, Ayu karma determines the life-span of the individual 7, Nama karma gives factors of individuality and personality. 8, Gotra karma determines family surroundings.
AADHYO GYAN-DARSHNAVARAN-VEDNIYA-MOHNIYA -AAYUSHYA-NAM-GOTRA-ANTRAYA: 8-5 = This explains types of karmas of which there are eight types.
(1) Discuss anger, deceit, pride and greed- four kashayas, Exchange your own experiences.