Tattvartha Sutra
Tattvartha Sutra
CHAPTER-3 and 4
YOTISHKA: SURYASCHANDRAMASO-GRAH-NAKSHATRA-PRAKIRNATARKASCH 4-13 MERUPRADAKSHINA NITYAGATYO NRULOKE 4-14 = The suns, moons, planets, constellations and stray stars are considered jyotishka-gods. They are in the part of the universe inhabited by humans and they circle around the mountain Meru. They are considered to be luminous-gods by the scriptures and the scriptures state these are responsible for the concept TIME as we know it.
This chapter describes Jain cosmology. The shape of the universe resembles the figure of a man standing with his feet apart. This is a three-dimensional shape, the measurements of which are given in the books of cosmology. The central, cylindrical part is the home of all 'mobile' life. The top part of the universe is the home or abode of liberated souls and is called siddhashila. Below the siddhashila lie abodes of celestial beings, Humans and animals live in the central hemisphere, at the centre of which is a mountain called Meru. The lower part is inhabited by hellish beings.
(1) Discuss the various beliefs about the shape of the universe. Study Jain-cosmology as a group activity.
JAMBUDVIP-LAVNADAYAH SHUBHNAMANO DVIP-SAMUDRAH 3-7 = Jambudvip, Lavansamudra are respectively, the auspicious names of dvipas (lands) and samudras (oceans).
TANMADHYE MERUNABHIRVRATO YOJANSATSAHASTROVISHKAMBHO JAMBUDVIPH 3-9 = In the middle of these islands and oceans is the Jambudvip with it's diameter of one hundred thousand yojanas (two hundred thousand miles) and at the centre of this is the mountain called Meru.