body. Sunlight keeps our blood warm and pure and supplies life-giving energy to every organ of the body. With sufficient sunlight, the oxygen-carrying power of the blood is increased, the circulation of the blood is improved, and consequently the, blood's power to repair and build tissue is increased. Thus normalizes the blood pressure and blood sugar, strengthens the cardiovascular system and lowers the heart attacks rate. The influence of sunlight is also intimately related to the number of red cells and haemoglobin in the blood. An insufficiency of light will cause an increase in the serum or watery portion of the blood and a corresponding decrease in the quantity of blood fibrin and red corpuscles, resulting in anaemia.
Sun gazing is an ancient method of healing that was prevalent in India and very well explained in the teachings of Mahavira, which clearly show a deep awareness and understanding of the need for sunlight and its value. The retina is the only outside nerve that has direct contact with the brain. It is therefore the best way to get Sun's rays directly into the brain itself. Gazing directly into the Sun greatly benefits week eyesight. The UV rays of Sun are vital for vision. To take the heat of the Sun with the eyes open, to gaze at the Sun can be both beneficial and detrimental.
Mahavira said, "A monk who knows the elements of righteousness should not desire to take a bath even though feel extremely tired due to heat. Nor he should sprinkle water on his body or fan the body." Living in hot location can actually be good for health too. There are health benefits associated with the increase in body temperature. Clogged respiratory passages are opened by heat, giving relief from colds