begins to respond to the heat through the combination of massive amounts of sweating, stretching and utilizing muscles to their limits, and sustaining the mental focus necessary brings a feeling completely drained - yet the body's muscles experience a release of tension, promoting a deeper state of relaxation and totally rejuvenated. As the heat becomes more intense, the participant is challenged to keep the mind relaxed, requiring meditative attentiveness. As the experience moves from relaxation to endurance, one can focus on thoughts and feelings that help one to adapt, cope, and thrive when faced with adversity. This meditative attentiveness and sense of positive adaptation seem to encourage problem solving and further build on the state of cognitive arousal, such as memory.
Heat effulgence delivers positive effects to mind, body and spirit, stimulate the sympathetic nervous system and activate the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal hormonal axis, an increase in noradrenalin and produce profound physiological changes. Unlike typical forms of exercise, it causes an increase in B-endorphins and does not increase the concentration of adrenaline in the blood stream. Heat effulgence promotes self-regulation by helping one gain insight through introspection, mark a commitment to personal goals, improve frustration tolerance and maintain balance and harmony. However, rather than slipping into a state of relaxation resembling rest or sleep, further exposure keeps the mind and body active.
The Sun, has been associated with happiness and positive feelings. On the other hand, dark, urban environments, covered by heavily polluted skies are often associated with misery and fear. The Sun contains