One can improve self-control through practice, testing oneself on small tasks in order to strengthen the willpower for bigger challenges.
In the concept of physical penance the shaking off of the impurities of the physical body is the primary purpose while the shaking off of the karma, passions is incidental. Approximately 90% of all disease and discomfort is related to an unclean colon. Internal cleansing is essential for a healthy, active lifestyle, especially in this fast paced, fast food society. As such the first four penances are related to food and food related habits. - Fasting; Unodari, Abstain from Dainties & indifferent to Taste and Withdrawal are for purification of body. The other two are Bodily austerities and Steadiness. On a physical level, penance is a process that can help detoxify the body and mind and alleviate physical pain, illnesses and diseases.
Fasting: Every Jain festival is a day of fasting, whether it is Samatsari, Dewali or remembering a great man's life. The fasting is a celebration. Fasting is to abandon food as well as desire for food. Eating has little to do with hunger. People eat according to learned behaviours, etiquette, meal and snack patterns, acceptable foods, food combinations, and potion sizes. Various food guides provide suggestions on foods to eat, potion sizes, and daily intake. What and how people eat is determined by a variety of factors, including economic circumstances, cultural norms, and religious restrictions. It is rather shocking to realise that when millions are underfed others overeat and produce an endless array of miseries in their lives in both mental and physical afflictions. Excessive eating, eating at short