fatigue. He ate food only for 365 days in a period of twelve and half years. All his fasts were without drinking water. He slept for only 48 minutes during the period of his self-awakening. He proved that one can sustain life for a long period without food or sleep.Modern science says that every breath we take kills a few hundred thousands microbes. By controlling inhalation and exhalation we can reduce this quantum.
The healthy operation of the human energy system requires the adequate formation of energy. Each cell, tissue and organ in the body requires a substantial amount of energy to have optimal function. This process is dependent upon a sufficient intake of oxygen and essential nutrients, vitamins and co-factors. The energy requirements for all our physical and mental activities is derived from the food we eat and air we breathe. The amount of air taken up by the system daily outweighs that of the solid food. Our greatest source of energy is from oxygen. Oxygen is the food for heart. Illness such as heart disease and cancer have been attributed by many scientists to an insufficient supply of oxygen to the body. Dr Otto Warburg (Nobel Peace Prize Winner 1931) showed that if a cell is deprived 35% of the required level of oxygen for 48 hours, then that cell is likely to become cancerous. Lack of oxygen is not only the underlying cause of cancer but is also the cause of most diseases – from AIDS to yeast infections. When heart is starved of oxygen carried in blood, the result is heart attack and chest pain. Loss of oxygen is loss of life.