by oxygen and glucose. Mastication is the generation of the chemical energy that supplement the vital force so necessary for life and the more oxygen is sent to brain, sense organs and gums directly through the flesh in the mouth by digestion of carbohydrates. Scientists have also discovered that munching is magnificent for the memory. It may help keep dementia in the elderly at bay. It seems that the more one chews the more shortterm memory cells he develops. According to studies, chewing stimulates the endocrine system, keeping hormones in balance for a happier, younger-looking. In particular, the parotid glands just under cheekbones release a cell-rejuvenating substance. When people get older, they lose their teeth and difficulties with chewing and swallowing may cause older people to eat soft foods that are processed and low in fibre.
Oral Hygiene: Mahavira advised mendicants not to shine their teeth with brush or any powder. For Jain monks there is no between-meal snacks or nibbling at sweets between meals. They do not eat or drink after sunset to sunrise. If there is sufficient time between the intakes of foods then the impact is limited and the teeth can repair themselves. Saliva gradually neutralizes the acids which cause the pH of the tooth surface to rise above the critical pH. This makes them get along without the aid of the tooth brush or any other tooth cleaning material and need not start the day with a mouthful of chemicals. How it is possible that the germ killing chemicals would have no effect on the health of the teeth, their supporting tissues and oral mucosa. Rubbing teeth with charcoal or other abrasive substances can wear out the enamel.