________________ area. Stress is hard on the stomach. It is no coincidence that the digestive system is hindered during stress. Experts now see stress as a major player in a wide range of digestive problems, including irritable bowel syndrome, indigestion, and heartburn. Under the stress of anger, the ailments like the weakness of heart and aggravation of bile's are produced. Cows must chew their food twice in order to digest it properly. It takes extra effort to get all of the nutrients from the food. This allows them to thrive on a diet mainly made up of grass. Cows chew grass more completely, which improves digestion. Cows chew their cud 40-60 times before swallowing it. Cows eat and thrive on plant by-products that other animals cannot digest. Mastication or chewing is the process by which food is crushed and ground by teeth. It is the first step of digestion. Chewing generates saliva. Salivary glands secrete a fluid that contains water, electrolytes, mucus, enzymes, called amylase and lysozyme. Salvia increases the surface area of food and food is made softer and warmer and the amylase in saliva begins to break down carbohydrates in the food. Salivary enzymes can digest as much as 80 per cent of starches, 30 percent of protein and 10 percent of the fat before food even reaches the stomach and carried into the bloodstream directly through the flesh in the mouth. Oils are lightest contents of the food and if they are not properly mixed in bolus or broken down they overflow the bolus. This can be very harmful because it can stick on the inner layer of the digestive track. Proper crushing and grinding of 31