to speak to ourselves and receive undivided attention. It can teach one independence, rest the mind, enhance an appreciation of silence and give one the opportunity to have a good look at oneself. Our weaknesses are revealed in our aloneness, which we can use to make our strength. It is a test and many times increase our patience while we wait through our loneliness. There is a time for comfort and rest and a time for stimulation. If you are feeling lonely it is a time for stimulation.
Mahavira said, “The fire of penance which is set ablaze by righteous character when combined with the wind of right knowledge, will burn the seed of karma which is the cause of mundane existence, like a forest-fire which burns heap."
The multitude of auspicious and in-auspicious karmas accumulated during endless transmigration can be destroyed by practice of penance. Those who desire to attain purity must practise penance unnoticed and without any desire for praise. Austerity is to observe the strict regularity and keen punctuality in day to day workings with a willing will and cheerful spirit. It broadens the heart and cheers the mind.
The penances are merely instruments to enable one to introspect on the self. Physical and mental penances should be observed side by side. Even though the inner aspect of penances is duly emphasized in Jainism, yet the importance of physical penances is also not underrated. Physical austerity involves physical endurance and renunciation of something perceptible, whereas the mental austerity involves control of mind. As there is gradual reduction of diet and outfit etc. in the physical penances like semi-fasting etc., there is a