patiently bear the harsh, wounding and humiliating utterances of the wicked."
Humbleness is not a social order or etiquette but it is an attribute of soul. Humbleness should not only be towards the respected one. It should be irrespective of status, superiority and virtuosity. One should not be judge of good and bad.
Mahavira said, "Humility, simplicity, compassion and serenity - these are the four virtues that enable the soul to acquire human existence."
Humbleness can be achieved if one stops finding faults with others and mend one's shortcomings. Humbleness should be the basis of every action. Humbleness is the soul of conduct. It should not be based on egotism. Humbleness starts with discipline - to know discipline; to accept it and to follow it thoroughly and not feel proud of even one's humility is the highest treasure. Humility can also help one develop as a person and enjoy richer relationships with others. More humbleness means more receptive.
3. Service: The third mental penance is ‘Service'. By service one acquires the meritorious karma which bring about for him the form and status of a Tirthankara.Samayika is an important ritual of Jainism but service has been given more value than Samayika.Mind is purified by giving service to others.A purified mind only can become calm and peaceful. And if mind be not still it is not easy to meditate of concentrate it on the Ideal.Though the penance (service) seems to be physical activity, it makes a person humble and serves the purpose of overcoming ego and hatred. Attributes like kindness, courage, love and sincerity, are not measurable in the physical world, but they are