pride, deceit, greed, jealousy, fear, hatred, passions etc. are removed, and then the thoughts get purified, it has implication far beyond health and wellness.
Mahavira said, “All living beings love their life, they wish to relish pleasure, dislike misery. Nobody likes to be killed; they wish to enjoy life and love to live long. Life is dear to everyone."
The craving for life is the strongest disposition in the world and love for life has made man most receptive on the subject of health conservation. The man is willing to try anything that might help him get the next breath. Anything that might add his wealth of medical knowledge always piqued his interest. This is the main theme of the ethics of conduct. Psychologically speaking it is a natural tendency among all living beings to enjoy a life of peace or a natural death.
Mahavira said, "One should not injure, subjugate, enslave, torture or kill any living beings including animals, living organisms and sentient beings. This doctrine of Non-violence is immaculate, immutable and eternal."
Jainism goes beyond concerns for mankind. Not only human life is precious; animals, birds, even plants and other kinds of vegetation needed man's protection. If man destroys nature, it will hit back in the shape of environmental degradation threatening the very existence of man. Man has no moral authority to destroy them as they too have life. The harm done to other beings is considered harm to oneself since it results in the formation of the heaviest new karmic matter, toxin/ foreign elements. Non-violence and kindness to all living beings is kindness to oneself. For thereby one's self is saved from various kinds of sins and resultant