substance, and mode. It is the logic that guarantees our capacity to know and provides us with criteria by which we should be able to test our knowledge. To ignore the complexity of reality is to commit the fallacy of dogmatism. Dogmatic views amount to violence. Wealth is tangible accumulation but thoughts are our subtle possession and violence at thought level is subtle violence so Mahavira established the concept of nonviolence to intellectual level by propagating the principle of Non-absolutism. Non-absolutism is a model of tolerance.
3. Vow of Non-possessiveness: Possessiveness and fear cannot be separated. Free from non-essential acquisitions is real freedom. Fear and loss of mental equilibrium take place in a person, who is affected by material condition. Although there are many sources of fear, the main source is excessive accumulation of wealth. Dependence is extreme misery. If wealth is hope for independence, one will never have it. The only real security that a man can have in the world is a reserve of knowledge, experience and ability Accumulative instinct is the root cause and the father of all sins. By this problems multiply.
Attachment is possessiveness. Attachment for material things put a man in a bewildering condition of existence. When the mind is full of attachment, one creates artificial necessities. It is on account of attachment that a person commits violence, utters lies, commits theft, indulges in sex and develops a yearning for unlimited hoardings. Complete non-attachment and renunciation is the gift of the soul. It should be spontaneous and from with and not sporadic or