sacred skill. Mahavira insisted that we must understand others fully before we speak. One should speak after ripe reflection. That speech is proper which is beneficial, moderate, measured and affable.
Non-violence and truth are twins. One cannot live without the other. Non-violence of the mind should be translated into non-violence of speech. Harmful, harsh, untrue, unnecessary, unpleasant and offensive speech is violence. Language can express only partial truth; therefore non-violence is an essential guide to our spoken words.
Mahavira said, "Just as a diseased bitch is driven away from everywhere, so also the ill-natured, insubordinate and talkative person is expelled disgracefully from all places. An aspirant should keep his mind, five-sense-organs, hands and feet under his control and save himself from falling prey to evil thoughts and the use of evil language.
Truthfulness is asceticism of speech. Control over speech is a great experiment of non-violence. Communication is a necessity but unnecessarily loud, hostile, angry, or hurtful communication is mindless extravagance. One who observes silence can have control over his speech. Conversation enriches the understanding but silence is the school of genius. Speaking connects with outer world whereas silence is the connection with inner world. Silence means that one should not speak non-sense. Silence is more eloquent than speech. One who is not silent he cannot know the truth.
Mahavira said, "A monk hears many things with his ears and sees many things with his eyes but it is not proper to reveal all such things in public. A monk