the joints to provide minimum stress on the joints of the body. Right posture oxygenates the brain by positioning the body in good spinal alignment. Sitting or standing in good alignment gives self-confidence and induces positive thinking. One can listen to inner sound being seated in proper posture; valour and courage are manifested and the digestive power is enhanced and there is an increase in buoyancy and stamina. The benefits of practicing meditation with bodily steadiness are: removal of bodily and mental lethargy, development of capacity to bear pain as well as pleasure, acquisition of deep reflection, and enhanced power of concentration in pure meditation.
Posture can also affect how one thinks about oneself. When chest is open and not contracted, it gives the impression that one is open and ready to listen to others. When one is optimistic his backbone is straight. Stooping posture in any case is not healthy. Bent backbone is the sign of desperation. In old age backbone bends not because of weakness but due to loss of hopes.Scientists say that man could develop its brain when he started standing.