high blood pressure as incurable because they do not know what causes it. There is a mental aspect to every physical disease. These physical diseases are believed to have a mental component derived from the stresses and strains of everyday living. Medical science has not been successful in finding solution to mental and emotional diseases.
Kayotsarga is a great relief and relieve body and mind of all tensions and stress. Kayotsarga is a preparatory stage of meditation. Jainism prescribes the method to become aware of and to pacify negative emotions and laid down the foundation of the wisdom which can be developed through concentration meditation and moral discipline based on love and compassion. Meditation is restraint of feelings and attitude and to experience the spirit and consciousness inside the body, which is totally separate from the body and is ever free from disease, old age and death. Sleep is a rest, but it gives rest to physical body only. But meditation is more restful. It gives rest to mind by calming down emotions. Healing is a natural process. It is also true of emotional states too. It is one of the methods used to gain control over one's emotions and passions.
Meditation focuses on the direct healing of the patient's body and mind. Pain is considered to indicate blockage or stagnation of the flow of oxygen. If you see the affected area pain will disappear. Research has proved that on visualization that having a mental image blood flow improving to an organ can actually cause blood flow increase to that organ. Energy flowing in the body thus can be directed to assist in the process of