knowledge, he slept only for a muhurat, 48 minutes, in order to be completely awakened. Most of time he remained in meditation and whenever he had urge for sleeping he started walking to and fro.
Ailments and Cure: Mahavira said, "Muni should not desire for treatment of ailment and bear it while indulged in self-realisation. Neither he should carry out treatment himself and nor get done by others. This is the real monkhood.”
Human organs are provided with a large factor of safety and can withstand a great deal of abuse, but the cumulative effect of this abuse leads to accumulation of fermentative and putrefactive toxins pouring in from the digestive tract in excess of the body's ability to neutralize and eliminate them in the vital tissues. The body can become filled with toxins when it consumes more than what it can utilize or get rid of. When it is not detoxed on a regular basis, toxins can create imbalance in the body which leads to stress, anxiety and disease.
The body knows how to keep healthy. Several barriers protect organisms from infection, including mechanical, chemical and biological barriers. Things go awry and disease manifest when these self-repair mechanism fail to function properly. The cause of disease is not the germ that is present, but the wrong mental and physical habits that has reduced the powers of the body and make it possible for parasites and germs to live in its cavities. Parasites and germs are not the causes of disease of the body, but incidents of the disease. Germs are as helpless in a truly healthy body as a feather in a gale. It is the distal end of an inflammatory process whose proximal beginning may