conditions that affect sensation in the feet are at greater risk of injury while barefoot.
Rest: Mahavira said, “A monk should sleep for two prahars and a scholar for one prahar only."
Prahar is the Indian name of a quarter of a day or night. Day starts from sunrise to sunset and the other half is calculated as night. So duration of prahar is not fixed and varies with the length of day or night. In summer nights are short and in winter nights are long. The monks should sleep only in the prescribed period. The right period prescribed for them is second and third prahar of the night. To rest is peace, ease or refreshment resulting from sleep or the cessation of an activity. Rest is considered essential for repair of muscles. -
Monks do Kayotsarga with different numbers of respirations at different times i.e. before study, meditation, before going out and coming in for alms etc. before sleeping, after seeing a dream etc.
For deep relaxation of mind and body one goes into sleep. Sleep is seldom refreshing. It is a relief. It is health giving. The first characteristic of a happy person is the ability to sleep peacefully and wake up refreshing. Quality sleep is that of sufficient duration and depth that results in one feeling awake and refreshed throughout the day. A good sleep means sleeping without external stimuli and get up of own at a regular hour. The quality of sleep improves with physical work/exercise well before bedtime, often requiring less total sleep time. It is believed that sleep gives the body a chance to recuperate from the day's activities but in reality, the amount of energy saved by sleeping for even eight hours is miniscule. So one should sleep just to meet the requirement of the body i.e. you can be