amount of clothing that secures warmth should be worn. Use many thin, warm layers rather than a few thick layers. It will insulate better and allow stripping off layers if the temperature climbs. One should wear at least three layers of clothing, beginning with an inner layer of cotton weave to allow skin to breathe. The middle layer should be a fabric like wool or synthetic fabric to absorb sweat and retain insulation. The third, outer layer should be a tightly woven fabric to break the wind and allow some ventilation.
Tonsure: In Jainism tonsure is a part of the rule of becoming a monk or nun. This involve shaving the head and face. They do not use blade or knife but the hair is pulled out with the fingers strand by strand. This tonsure is renewed twice a year to keep the scalp bare and devoid of lice.
Barefoot: Mahavira said, “Walk vigilantly looking straight ahead but not beyond four hands' measure. Do not speak while walking. Subjects of five senses and five types of study - reading, clarification of doubts, recitation, reflection and preaching-should be given up while walking."
It is mandatory for the monks and nuns who have accepted five great vow (non-violence, etc.) and have totally renounced worldly ways, to walk barefoot. Walking barefoot enables a more natural gait, eliminating the hard heel strike and instead, allowing for a rocking motion of the foot from heel to toe generating smaller collision forces. The feet is nowhere flat and a high medial longitudinal arch of foot is a competent design to avoid hurt to insects that may come under it. Barefoot serves as a reminder to others who pursue a material life to protect and be concerned