behaviors, and reactions, and we must hold ourselves honestly accountable. In order to stop the violence in the world around us, we must confront the violence we are a part of. And when we make mistakes, we must forgive ourselves as readily and truly as we will forgive others, and move on, and do better.
Although we may feel inundated by the helplessness that tragedy creates, each of us has tremendous power already within us. Lao Tzu said, 'He who controls himself controls the world.' Each moment we are alive is a chance to make the world more peaceful, and make ourselves more free.”
Beautiful lines on Ahimsa from the Mahabharata
अहिंसा परमोधर्मस्तथाहिंसा परो दमः अहिंसा परमं दानमहिंसा परमं तपः ॥ अहिंसा परमो यज्ञस्तथाहिंसा परमं बलम् अहिंसा परमं मित्रमहिंसा परमं सुखम् अहिंसा परमं सत्यमहिंसा परमं श्रुतम् ॥
ahimsa paramo dharmastathāhimsā paro damaḥ ahimsā paramam dānamahimsā paramam tapaḥ
ahimsa paramo yajñastathāhimsā param balam ahimsā paramam mitramahimsā paramam sukham ahimsā paramam satyamahimsā paramam śrutam
Nonviolence is the supreme religion Nonviolence is the supreme self-restraint Nonviolence is the supreme donation Nonviolence is the supreme penance Nonviolence is the supreme worship Nonviolence is the supreme strength Nonviolence is the supreme friend Nonviolence is the
supreme bliss
Nonviolence is the
supreme truth
Nonviolence is the supreme teaching
An Ahimsa Crisis: You Decide