violent means in charity and other religious functions, extra agent display of wealth in marriages and other family festivities, wastage of food in feasts etc) are inconsistent with the true spirit of Ahimsa, are analysed in details. The author seems to have thoroughly explored and researched the background of each of the issues raised and hence has not only provided ample relevant factual information but also has put forward strong arguments in support of his views. He has made special efforts to dispel prevalent misconceptions regarding hazards on the path of practicing Ahimsa as a 'way of life' and has done justice to every problem discussed in this respect. The most impressive aspect of the book is that the author moves beyond simple description and engages the reader in one to one direct communication. After each issue discussed, he asks the reader- “_ is this behaviour consistent with Ahimsa?—what is your decision?” Thus he challenges the reader, compels him to reflect on the issue seriously and then respond responsibly. Personal narratives of incidents of his life and those of other relatives enhance the appeal and overall impact of the contents of the book. Written in simple but lucid and interactive style, this book will be of great help to anyone who is striving to strictly follow the principle of nonviolence in its true spirit. I would like to congratulate the author Mr. Sulekh C. Jain for undertaking this interesting project and accomplishing the work in excellent manner. Prakrit Bharati Academy, Jaipur also deserves special appreciation for publishing this book which will be useful both for researchers as well as general readers who are sincerely interested in understanding and practicing Ahimsa.
-Dr. Kusum Jain
Jaipur, India
An Ahimsa Crisis: You Decide