I feel tremendously joyful to find that a Souvenir is being published on the occasion of International Conference on Science and Jain Philosophy organized by Bhagawan Mahavira International Research Centre of Jain Vishua Bharati Institute in collaboration with IIT Bombay and Mumbai University. From the initial stages of planning of the conference I was keen to publish a souvenir on this occasion consisting of articles by renowned scientists, distinguished philosophers and esteemed spiritual leaders despite short time available. Dr Samani Chaitanya Prajna ji was strongly supportive and was in sync with my views on the merit of this proposal.
Following discussions with a few prospective persons, I met Dr Raksha Shah who showed interest and inclination to accept the responsibility of this important publication. We discussed, at length, the framework of the Souvenir, nature of articles and choice of contributors to write for the souvenir. Dr Raksha Shah very readily agreed to become the Editor. I am glad to recognize that she did a good job.
I have been amazed to read the contributions of Bhagawan Mahavira more than 2500 years ago to guide and aduise people for their conduct in life. The message given by Bhagawan Mahavira is immensely powerful and even today it is relevant to our society. I foresee an evolution of entirely new world in 21st century with the fusion of science and spirituality. There seems to exist a vast potential to explore secrets of universe by seeking the hitherto hidden power of spirituality
I would like to recall the providence of my meeting with Acharya Mahapragyaji sometime back in 2005 in Mumbai. I was inspired by his scientific approach and logical description of complex issues like death, rebirth and soul. I felt humbled when Acharyashri ji blessed me and advised to meet him again which unfortunately, never happened. Therefore, my association with the conference organized by BMIRC is to a large extent because of the divine motivation. I feel privileged to organize ICSJP and to catalyze publication of this souvenir.
Authors were requested to write on a chosen topic within the broad theme of blending science and spirituality. I am sure the articles chosen by Dr Shah and the editorial team would engage your attention and enable obtaining greater awareness to understand relevance of Jainism in modern time. The growing tendency of people to resort to violence for resolving conflicts is rather frightening and deeply worrisome. Therefore, I feel, embracing the attributes of spirituality to improve quality of life guided by ethics and morality opens door to make the world a better place in the future. I am convinced that non-violence, tolerance and compassion would help achieve happiness and build a peaceful world. It is necessary to continue our firm resolve to promote human qualities for improvement of mankind.
Wish you a better time and a grand success.