DL 09-12-2015
Science and Technology have made unprecedented impacts in shaping our society enhancing our understanding of subtle phenomena of life. Whereas the ancient lore of philosophical literature not only contains a rich source of knowledge regarding the secrets of nature but also furnishes us with the logic needed to bring a balance in our perception of looking at the world.
It appears prudent to correlate Jain Principles with the laws of modern science such as physics, chemistry, biology, medical and health science. The scientific and mathematical data found in the Jain canonial text is a rich source for researches engaged in understanding the mysteries of life and the world. It is essential to establish a continuing healthy dialogue between scholars of ancient wisdom and modern science.
It is heartening to know that "Bhagawan Mahavira International Reserch Centre, JVBI, Rajasthan is organizing an International Conference on Science and Jain Philosophy in collaboration with Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai and University of Mumbai on 8-10 January 2016. I extend my warm wishes to the event and wish this conference be an excellent success. With best compliments.
Anamali Auto
(Anandiben Patel)