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visit www.dwarkadheeshvatu.com EFFECT OF NEIGHBORHOOD BUILDINGS / ROOMS Energy always flows from North to South and from East to West. Having residences on Eastern or Northern sides, such energy would flow causing reduction in adverse effects of vastu defects in ones own building. Regular Plot Building No. 3: Building No. 2:
Building No. 1 : Roads towards North & West Roads towards North. Other's Roads towards North & East as also as also buildings towards residences towards South, buildings towards South & West. South & East. The flow of
West & East. The flow of Consequent to no construction towards energy is there from Eastern energy is there from Eastern North & East, no energy flows from that residence. However the residence. However the side. However energy flows towards South Southern neighbor's Southern & Western
& Western neighbor's residence (from construction also draws this construction also draws this your own building). Hence even mild vastu energy resulting in the energy resulting in the adverse defects would become serious. Residents adverse vastu effects being vastu effects being normal.
of this house would be smart, hard working normal. Residents of this
and haye high status in work life. building would enjoy higher
N status in work life and may
Road even be leaders in society.
Building No. 4:
Roads towards East & South as Building Building Building
also buildings towards North & Building No. 6:
No.3 No.2 No. 1
West. Consequent to other's Roads towards South &
construction in North energy Westas also buildings
does flow. However the Western towards North & East.
neighbor's construction also Consequent to neighbor's
Building Building Building
draws this energy resulting in the constructions in East &
No.6 No.5 No.4
adverse vastu effects being North, energy flows into this
normal. Residents of this house only and there is no
building would not suffer outflow of energy. Hence
financial stringency. even severe adverse vastu defects would have minimal effects. The residents would
Building No. 5: be having false prestige & Roads towards South. Other's residences towards North, East & West. Energy lazy. Even with little efforts does flow from Northern & Eastern neighbor's constructions. However this flows they enjoy better results. out to Western neighbor's construction too. Effect of Vastu defects would be milder.
Skewed Plot Constructions in the NorthEast neighbor's such as building or rooms gives out energy to ones own building. Constructions towards North West & South East also give out energy as well as take from ones own construction. Building No. 3: Building No. 2:
Building No. 1 : Road towards North East & Road towards NorthEast & Road towards NorthEast & South East and North West and neighbor's neighbor's constructions on neighbor's constructions on North West & constructions on South East & South East, North West & South West side. Energy does flow from South West side. Energy does South West side. Energy does North West building. However this also flows flow from South East building. flow from South East & towards South West neighbor's building. However this also flows North West buildings, some of Vastu defects would have normal effects. towards South West neighbor's which goes to South West building. Vastu defects would neighbor's building too. Vastu
Building No. 4: defects would be minimized. have normal effects.
Road towards South West & South East and
neighbor's constructions on North West & N Building No. 6:
North East side. Energy does flow from
North East & North West buildings and there Road towards South West
being no constructions towards & North West and Building Building Building
South West, no energy flows out. Vastu neighbor's constructions
No.2 No.1 on South East &
defects would have greatly reduced effects. NorhtEast side. Energy does flow from South East
Building No. 5: & North East building. Building Building Building
Road towards South West & neighbor's There being no
No.6 No.5 No.4
constructions on South East, North West & constructions towards
North East side. Energy does flow from South East, South West, no energy
North West & North East buildings. There being no flows out. Vastu defects W
constructions towards South West, no energy
Road S would be reduced.
flows out. Vastu defects would be milder.