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visit www.dwarkadheeshvatu.com Skewed Plots NorthEast Facing Construction If platform be in North East side, complete family would be leading tensful life, ailments, having no progress in life and first/fifth child having Remedy: more problematic life.
For North East facing N
constructions height If the same be on N E If the same on the of platforms being at Northern side, financial -
N Eastern side, men folk higher level than that
Building stringency, female folk
falling ill, insecure of the flooring is
Platform falling ill, developing
feeling, loss of name & prohibited. Hence irritable temper and
fame and developing these may be w mental tensions are
impatient temper are demolished.
WL indicated.
S possible.
SouthEast Facing Construction If platform be in South East side, female folk falling ill, indebtedness, fights & disputes, having no peace of mind, fire & theft hazards, problems with administration, second / sixth child having more problematic life.
Remedy: For South East facing constructions height of platforms being at higher level than that of the flooring is prohibited. Hence these may be demolished.
If the same is on the
ES S If the same is on the Eastern side, men folk
Southern side, the falling ill, insecure
South will get extended, feeling, loss of name &
this results in ailments
Building fame and developing
to female folk, irritable impatient temperare
temper and lack of possible.
mental peace.
North West Facing Construction If platform be in North West side, female folk falling ill, indebtedness, fights & disputes, having no peace of mind, insolvency, problems with administration, Third/Seventh child may have more problematic life.
Remedy 1: For North West facing constructions platforms on this side would cause extension on the North West. This bodes ill. This should be demolished.
If the same on the Wester W side, the West will get extended, this results in male folk suffering ailments, developing bad habits, getting convicted & going to jail.
If the same be on Northern side, financial stringency, female folk falling ill, developing irritable temper and mental tensions.
South West Facing Construction
When platforms are in South West facing, the South West side gets extended. This results in head of the family and first / fourth child falling ill, developing bad habits, getting convicted, going to jail and accidents are possible.
Remedy 1: For South West facing constructions platforms on this side would cause extension on the South West, this bodes ill. This should be demolished.
If the same is on the Southern side, the South will get extended. This results in ailments to female folk, irritable temper and lack of mental peace.
If the same is on the Wester side, the West will get extended, this results in male folk suffering ailments, developing bad habits, getting convicted & going to jail.
Remedy 2: If such platform is inevitable, the same should be constructed over the complete South West face as shown.