ग्रंथार्थोभयपूर्णं काले विनयेन सोपधानं च। बहुमानेन समन्वितमनिह्नवं ज्ञानमाराध्यम् ॥ ३६ ॥ Knowledge must be acquired abiding by certain principles: correct reading, writing and pronunciation of every letter, word, and sentence; understanding correct meaning of words, phrases, and text; reading, writing, and speaking with full and proper understanding of the import of what is being studied; observance of propriety of time; due modesty; proper assimilation; reverence for the Scripture and the Teacher; and no concealment of the source of knowledge.
Jain, Vijay K. (2012), “Shri Amritachandra Suri's Purusārthasiddhyupāya”, p. 26-30.
Ācārya Umāsvāmi's Tattvārthasūtra:
मतिश्रुतावधिमनःपर्ययकेवलानि ज्ञानम् ॥१-९॥ Knowledge is of five kinds - sensory knowledge, scriptural knowledge, clairvoyance, telepathy, and omniscience.
AYHTU 118-80 11
These (five kinds of knowledge) are the two types of pramāņa (valid knowledge).
Bà MT H II ?-? ? II The first two (kinds of knowledge) are indirect (knowledge).
YRTHRITT 118-8211
The remaining three constitute direct (knowledge).
Jain, Vijay K. (2011), "Achārya Umāsvāmi's Tattvārthsūtra", p. 5-6.
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