चतुराहारविसर्जनमुपवासः प्रोषधः सकृद्भुक्तिः । स प्रोषधोपवासो यदुपोष्यारम्भमाचरति ॥१०९ ॥
सामान्यार्थ - चार प्रकार के आहार (अशन, पान, खाद्य और लेह्य) का त्याग करना उपवास है, एक बार भोजन करना प्रोषध या एकाशन है, और जो उपवास करने के बाद पारणा के दिन एक बार भोजन करना है वह क्रिया प्रोषधोपवास कहलाती है। Refraining from taking the four kinds of food for the whole day is called upavāsa, and taking only one meal in the whole day is called proșadha or ekāśana. That in which only one meal is taken on the day of undertaking (i.e., the day preceding the fasting day) and on the day following the fasting day, is called proșadhopavāsa.
Acārya Amrtacandra's Purusārthasiddhyupāya:
प्रातः प्रोत्थाय ततः कृत्वा तात्कालिक क्रियाकल्पम् । निर्वर्तयेद्यथोक्तं जिनपूजां प्रासुकैर्द्रव्यैः ॥ १५५ ॥ Thus spending the night, in the morning, after performing the necessary duties of the time, one should engage oneself in the worship of Lord Jina with pious, inanimate objects (prāsuka dravya), as per the prescribed method. उक्तेन ततो विधिना नीत्वा दिवसं द्वितीयरात्रिं च। अतिवाहयेत्प्रयत्नादर्द्धं च तृतीयदिवसस्य ॥ १५६ ॥ Thereafter, the day of fasting, the second night, and the half of the third day, should carefully be passed in the manner stated above.
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