Iligh and low, without qualities or with them in A beggar or king. How is he to be spoken so ? Alle
blissful is be.
High and low are the artificial divisions of society according to the accident of birth ; a person for his wealth is said to be a great man, and one without it very low. In this way, a king is the highest and a beggar the lowest scum of society. But Self is none of them ; Ignorance creates such a perception in the stupid, and they say "I am rich," "I am high," or "I am a beggar,” “I am Brahman," thus connecting Self with this caste and that, or wealth and destitution. But when that enveloping force of ignorance has been destroyed, and Self is discovered in all his natural luminosity, there is no more preception of highuess and lowness. As is said in the Ilaritatwa moolctabali :--"In the knowledge of the Supreme Self, bas been destroyed conceit for the physical body; and wherever a theosophist's mind dwells, everywhere he sces Brahma.'
Perception or cognition of phenomena is due to ignorance, its principal cause.
From the stimulus of mind Are seen phenomena ; say What is possible for them, when
The mind is destroyed ? With the stimulation or excitement of the mind is produced a tangible cognition of phenomeną, and when that mind is tranquillized, they too are removed. Iow? In the waking and dreaming conditions, the gross and subtle world are discovered; but in profound slumber, when the mind ceases to carry on its function, there is no perception of external objects; therefore we find, from a connection of mind is produced a cognition of phenomena, and with its exclusion, there is a destruction of them. When Brahma who is the substrate or site on which all this material expanse is superimposed or projected