Though in regard to Self, the world is of different form, from him, yet as a coin made of gold is different from an iugot of the same metal, and is practically used in barter, and gifts ; so from Sel the physical body etc., different from him in shape, are found to move and walk etc., In short, intelligence guides the movements of the body, helps it to cognise and discover, and its senses to carry on their functions; and of that intelligence the body is but mother form ; just as a goldon coin or ornament is that of gold,
But then the sito (Intelligence) will be subjected to modification. To such an objection the professor uow turns to answer, holding an absence of relation between the site and body etc.
From wood is made a spindle or wheel, Which produces thread froin cotton. Cloth is produced from that cotton, And from cloth, a doll. These fight and quarrel ainongst them ; But where is the connection between Wood and fighting ? So is the Illusion of body, a modification of Brahma Created by the ignorant. And there is no such councction.]
As there is no connection with wood and cloth and fighting of dolls, [these fight between them); so the Pure Brahma resembles that wood and cloth; and like that spindle or spinning wheel, Muya procreates the world from a preponderance of its dark quality, first giving rise to subtle clements, which then quintuplicate and become gross ; ultimately creating the fourteen adodes [Bhur, Bhuvur, Swar, Muhas, Janas, Tapas, Satya, Sutala, Atal, Vitala, Patula, Talatal, Rasatal, and Mahotal] together with their respective inhabitants and adequate food and drink. Now these inhabitants resemble