On the unreality of the world. SAYS the pupil
Bhagavan! My mind has its doubts yet, How do you say the world, upreal ? remove them.
Lord! You have said before, the world to be unreal, but I could not follow the drift of your arguments, hence I have doubts yet lurking in the mind, do kindly remove them, by repeating what you have to say.
For this purpose the professor now begins to show how that unreality is due to an action of ignorance according to the sight of a theosophist: and with its destruction, the world which is its product only, ceases to appear as an everlasting reality. As mentioned in the Shastras :-"When the meaning of “That art Thou” has been clearly explained by the professor, a pupil attains knowledge of non-duality and his mental filoza tion then assumes the shape of, or is modified into Brahma; BO that, ingorance and its product which neither existed before, nor now and in the future, are destroyed. And this is discovered by a theosophist only, as in the following cxample:
Like mirage water, cold; And ether, the abode of lotus; A beautiful son of a sterile woman, Is this manifested world (unreal.]
As when a child is very troublesome, the nurse to humour