To remember its experience, With pleasure to discuss on it, To retire aloof with her and converse, To determine on the method of gaining access, To codcavour to gratify wishes; . And to enjoy her.
To hear her speak and think on her sweet voice; to hear with avidity any mention of a beautiful woman; dwell on her charms; remember any personal experience of it; recanting with pleasure on the subject, accosting her, and talking about gaiving access, and endeavouring to obtain her; and finally having one's desires gratificd by enjoyment. Son forms the next object of consideration.
A son talks sweet, very pleasant to hear, It enchants the mind; a sago hearing this Laughs and says, a stupid Person is subjugated by it.
Sweet prattling of childron always enchants men's minds and that is why it is called 'charni'; and when a person hears it fepeatedly or is pleased to listen to it over and again is a stupid one, therefore one is to consider children are an incessant source of misery, and who expects any happiness from them is a prince of dunce. Because,
One loses discrimination of proper and improper When ipfatuated, and is subjected to bondage : Looks not after a professor, Nor wants to ascertain what is fit for bim to do. Blinded in a sea of Ignorance, clouding his intellect.
It is incumbent upon humanity to forsake all attachment for a son [and children too), to be in quest of a Guru whereby