world is painful to me? That created by Iswara or that by Jiva ?
Iswara's creation is thus mentioned "The supreme Lord desired to create many out of himself." From his desire the material cause of the universe underwent a change, its insentiency predominated, from which was produced ether with its property sound; from ether, air with its individual property touch, besides that of its cause, sound of ether; from air, fire; fire has form, its individual property, while sound and touch are derived from its cause air; from fire, water; it has its individual property taste, while sound, touch, and form are derived from its cause; water, earth; which has its individual property smell, besides those of sound, touch, form, and taste derived from its cause. In this manner, subsequent to the evolution of elements, from a blending of the good qualities inherent in them has been derived the Internal organ. Now this Internal organ for a variety of its functions is divided into four-mind, Intellect, thinking and conceit. From a mixture of the active qualities of the elements has been derived the vital airs respectively called Prana, Apana, Saman, Udana, and Vyana.* They are so called, according to the place they occupy.-Heart, anus, navel, throat, and throughout the body are the several sites according to seriality.
Their functions are hunger and thirst, excretion of urine and fæces, digestion of food and its conversion into chyme and chyle, blood and semen; respiration and taste. Similarly from the good quality of each element has been derived the five organs of sense in the following manner :-from the good active particle of ether is derived the organ of hearing and
Prana is the ascending air with its seat at the tip of the
Apana is the descending air seated in the anus.
Samana is situated inside the body and helps digestion of food.
Udana is the air situated in the throat.
Vyana moves in all direction, in all parts of the body.