25 essentials and devoid of 32 faults. The 25 essentials have been accounted for as follows:
“2 Avanat, 1 Yathajat posture, Dwadashvartt and Krutikarm, 4 shironaman, 3 gupti, 2 pravesh and 1 nishkraman”. These are performed in the following manner while reciting the vandan sutra twice:
2 Avanat: While reciting the first line (I wish, oh Kshama Shraman i.e. Jain monk, to pay obeisance to the best of my ability, giving up all other activities) stand and bow down the body half way. This is the first ardh avanat (half avanat). While reciting the vandan sutra twice, two such ardh avanats take place. Refer figure number 1.
1 Yathajat mudra (Yathajat posture): The posture in which a newborn takes birth (foetal position) or the posture in which the initiation process begins i.e. to maintain that type of humble posture (with two hands folded and touching the forehead) when paying obeisance is called Yathajat posture. That is the type of posture in which obeisance is paid in this Guru Vandan. Additionally, one remains in a standing position with charavala and muhapatti held in the hands, both hands folded and the unclothed upper body (lower body is covered in clothing) is bent with head bowing down. (This is the same position as when saying the first part of the khamasaman sutra).
12 Krutikarm: When performing Dwadashavartt Vandan, there are 6*2= 12 avartt done as follows: 3 when saying A-ho, Ka-yam, Ka-ya (meaning: by touching your feet with my hands)
3 when saying Ja tta bhe, ja va ni, jan cha bhe (meaning: is your journey of self-control going on well? Are your sense organs and mind without any afflictions?)