hands is placed on the left hand (using the right hand) in such a way that the other, previously uninspected side now faces the eye. This is done by switching the hands holding the two corners; i.e. the corner previously held by the left hand is now held by the right and converse. i.e. flip the muhapatti to reveal the other side. Visually inspect this side as done previously. Thus visually inspecting the two sides of the muhapatti is known as 'Drishti Padilehan' or visual inspection. During this time, mentally recite "I accept the meaning and essence based on true principles".
Refer figure - 2.
I accept both the sutra as well as its meaning as true principles and have faith in the same. At this time, inspection of muhapatti's second side is carried out. i.e. minute inspection of the other side of the muhapatti is performed at this time.
Procedure to carry out inspection through 6 urdhva paffoda also known as purim: Refer figure - 3.
Post visual inspection of its second side, the muhapatti's expanse is held in an upward slant. The top left corner of such a muhapatti is shaken thrice perception deluding karmas".
Refer figure - 4.
Thereafter, (as described during visual inspection), flip to the other side of the muhapatti, visually inspect it and then shake the top right corner thrice- this is called the second 3 urdhva paffoda (purim). Recite in mind "I discard the three attachments of sensual pleasures, affection and attachment towards one's point of view".
All three types of attachments are worth shaking off and therefore the symbolic gesture of shaking the muhapatti to get rid of these attachments is carried out.
Thus these are called the first three and the second three,