Samvatsari Pratikramana
Tam moeu a nandim, paaveu a nandisena mabhinandim,
Parisaavi a suh-nandim,
mam ya disau sanjame nandim. (37) gaha
Oh Lord! Please grant happiness to the Blessed Souls (lay people), give joy to the Nandishen (the composer of this stavan), grant happiness and prosperity to the assembly of listeners and help me achieve self-control. (37)
Occasions to recite this stuti
Pakhkhiya-chaumasia-samvachchharie avassa
Soavvo savvehim, uvasagga-nivarano eso. (38)
As this stotra (poetry) helps in overcoming difficulties, it should be recited during Pakkhi Pratikraman (a longer version of the pratikraman which is performed once a fortnight), Chaturmasik pratikraman (a pratikraman which is performed every four months) and Samvatsari pratikraman (annual pratikraman which is performed on the last day of Paryushan). (The other two types of pratikraman Rai and Devasiya are performed in the morning and evening everyday and are much shorter, therefore this stavan is not recited while performing them) and should be heard by one and all (38)
Advantage to recite twice a day
Jo padhai jo a nisunai, ubhao kaalampi