Samvatsari Pratikramana
Bārasa-vihassa sävaga-dhammassa, Jam khandiam jam virāhiam, Tassa michchha mi dukkadam. (1)
I wish to stand in a meditation posture for whatever faults I may have committed during the day through my deeds, words, and thoughts. For speaking against the scriptures, following a wrong path, performing unworthy and improper deeds, performing ill meditated, ill conceived, immoral, undesirable and unbecoming acts for a layman. In regard to knowledge, belief and conduct of a layman's life, the scriptures, the equanimity (sāmāyika), and whatever wrong doing I may have committed in respect to the three-fold restraint vows (guptis), four passions (kashāyas), and the five minor vows (anu-vratas). In regard to three spiritual merit vows (guna-vratas), four spiritual disciplinary vows (shikshavratas), the layman's twelvefold rule of conduct that I may have broken or opposed, may those bad deeds of mine be forgiven and become fruitless.
Special repentance for the for the violence caused to various living being (while walking on the way) Tassa uttari-karanenam,
Visohi-karanenam, visalli-karanenam,
Pävänam kammänam,
Nigghäyanatthäe, thämi käussaggam. (1)
I now want to absolve all my sins committed (as mentioned in the Iriyävahiyä Sutra) by repenting. To purify my soul and to make it