Sundar Bodhini Sundar Bodhini
Priya Darshini
11. Pushpa Choolika
12. Vrushina Dashang Original Sootras:
1. Uttar Dhyayan 2. Dash Vaikalik 3. Nandi Sootra
4. Anuyog Dwar Chhed Sootra
Achar Mani Manjusha Tika Gnan Chandrika Anuyog Chandrika
1. Neeshith 2. Bruhad Kalpa 3. Vyavahar 4. Dasha Shrut Skandh
Choorni Bhagya Avachoori Choorni Bhagya Avachoori Bhashya Manu Harshini Tika
Avashyak Sootra: Mooni toshini Shri Ghasilalji Maharaj has wrote exhaustive commentaries in Sanskrit on the 32 Sootras cited above and then he has translated his work in Hindi and Gujarati also. In addition to scriptural literature he has written many books on Nyaya (Logic), Grammar, Dictionary and poetry. His greatness and vast learning is evident from his works. He as made all efforts to put the Sthanakvasi Jain Literature to a very high position. He was well invested with the virtues of simplicity, nobility, sweetness of speech, broad-heartedness, tolerance, self-supporting nature etc. It was for this reason that non-Jains respected him also. He has solved many quarrels between men and men in society. He was always for natural love, friendship and spiritual tolerance.
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Last Days: His life was nearing its end. He was not keeping well since December 1971. He stopped taking food during the last eight days of his life and accepted little water only. He adopted Sallekhana vow (fast unto death) on February 2, '73 at ten o'clock morning in the presence of Shri Chhotalalji, Shri Kanaiyalalji and Samastra Chaturvidh Sangh. He had completed 88 years of his life. He passed away on February,3 73 -Thursday at 9-29 hours night at Sthanakvasi Upashraya of Saraspur Ahmedabad. Let us follow his preachings by mind, body and money because by that way only we will achieve good in ourselves.