Jain Society of Metropolitan Washington
A non-profit tax-exempt religious organization, id # 54-1139623
Interfaith Committee of JAINA
One of the core principles of Jainism is ANEKANTVADA. Truth and reality are difficult to grasp, since one needs to see them from every possible way, which most human are incapable; hence cause for disagreements, divorce, fights and even wars. Befitting this principle, JAINA has Interfaith Committee since its inception. Its mission through this principle is to bring harmony, understanding among faiths and thereby peace.
The committee members are determined to reach out to other faith representatives, interfaith/multifaith organizations, and government and nongovernment organizations. JAINA is very active in two large national/international organizations: Parliament of World Religions and Religions for Peace. Through these organizations, no doubt Jainism has made inroads from academic world to the main stream, though lot more needs to be done.
Members, in addition to reach out to their neighbors and local community have participated in many high profile activities. Jainism is represented since 1893, at the very first POWR in Chicago and 100 years later at the second one also in Chicago. Then every five or six years JAIN have actively participated in other POWR be it in South Africa, Barcelona, or Australia. Members through their active participations have been called to represent Jainism be at The White House for Religious Freedom Restoration Act bill signing ceremony or Rashtrapati Bhavan in New Delhi to have interfaith dialogue with the then President of India Dr. Abdul Kalam, one of the most prominent scientists and a religious scholar or in Indonesia at the behest of White House and State Department for Indonesia - USA Interfaith Cooperation.
Also Members were in Seoul, South Korea last year for peace promotion and at UN for several workshops, seminars and presentations for more than 20 years. Most of its members have been bestowed with awards and recognitions by Jain and non Jain organizations.